Always snap to grid

Legacy:Mod Ideas/Bloodbath

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Though making all decals stay would give an fps of .2 in the end, it would be cool if a certain amount of decals in a certain area would kill themselves and be replaced by one bigger decal. When the amount of bigger decals was enough they'd merge too, and at the end of a game the whole map would be red and packed with bullet holes!

Legal: Just got this idea, thought somebody might be bored enough to consider it. After all, the usual "unhappy-fps" versions just setting DecalStay to infinate are still being made. Maybe this could be a good replacement for the newbie coder?

dataangel:: That makes sense for stuff like blood splotches, but bullet holes and the like wouldn't look right I think. You'd fire them in 3 different places, then the new decal would appear, but it would have to be generated on the fly for the bullet holes to be in the exact same place. Then again... if a mutator can make static meshes on the fly, maybe decals are possible.

Foxpaw: You COULD use a scripted texture, but I think the premise was that if an area was peppered with a bunch (like 20 or so bullet holes close together, not just a few) of bullet holes they could be consolidated into one "hole-ridden" texture.

However, I am interested by your mention of creating static meshes on the fly. How is that done?

LegalAssassin: Actually, I didn't mean the bullet holes would have to be in the same position. Simply fading the small decals out while the larger ones fade in, thus masking the process. But as Foxpaw said, please elaborate on the "on the fly"-creation. Do you mean creation or just spawning?